How to send emails to non activated accounts

By default, the communication centre is configured to send to ParentPay verified account emails.  This is to ensure that you are protected against potential data mishaps in sending communications to the wrong recipients.  You can override these defaults in order to send to a wider audience as detailed below.


WARNING: Sending to unverified accounts can lead to data breaches if your MIS data is out of date and/or the content of the communication uses fixed information (not using the built-in field codes).  Please use caution when using unverified email addresses.

Please validate that the email address data in your MIS is correct before proceeding.

  1. Log in to the ParentPay Manager Application (as a Manager with Overall rights)
  2. Navigate to Communication > SettingsCommunications_settings.png
  3. Tick the checkbox next to Allow emails to be sent to unverified email addresses
  4. In the MIS email contacts dropdown list, select Enabled

  5. Select Save at the bottom of the page
  6. Navigate to Communication > Contacts

  7. Select Default contact rules


  8. In the Choose priority dropdown list, select Urgent

  9. Ensure that MIS sourced email address is included in the Channels in use.

Please note: for the best results we recommend that the channels should be set in the order shown below



You will now be able to send emails to all payers, including those that have not yet activated their accounts, when using the Urgent priority in your communications.

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