How to use merge fields

Merge fields are a component of the Communication Centre that is used to display specific information about a recipient so that a generic email, letter, or text can be created that is suitable for all recipients i.e. a name field can be used so that each recipients name is displayed on a general closure notice.

This article will explain how merge fields can be added to new, or updated existing, communications.


The Communication Centre allows users to not only re-run existing message templates but to edit them or create entirely new ones. During this process, you will view the Merge Fields available to the right of the template (by clicking the Edit button on the Write or edit your message text page), to apply them to the message – Drag the merge fields into the text box on the left where you’d like them to appear in your message.

NOTE: When an MIS upload is first completed, data from the primary contact on the school MIS system (Salutation) is uploaded to the database and is visible in People > Payers’ to be used for communication purposes, this is from the first upload only – any subsequent uploads will not change this in the Payers view on ParentPay but will update in the system if choosing to send to MIS sourced field codes.


NOTE: (MIS Sourced* applies if the data is uploaded via MIS, for manual uploads this is not applicable)


When creating the Communication you will see the below section entitled ‘Merge fields’.





If you hover over them, they will give you some more detail and they are also explained below:


<reciptitle/> – Title of recipient (Found in People > Payers on ParentPay)

<recipforename/> First name of recipient

<recipsurname/> Last name of recipient

<recipaddress> Address of recipient found in Payers

<loginname/> Username of recipient. On pre-activation, this will be the system-generated account activation stage.

<password/> Password of recipient. On pre-activation, this will be the system-generated activation account code. This will change to “Changed by User” once the account has been activated.

<consumerforename/> First name of consumer (Pupil/Staff/Visitor)

<consumersurname/> Last name of consumer (Pupil/Staff/Visitor)

<consumeraddress/> Address of consumer (Pupil/Staff/Visitor) (MIS Sourced)*

<year/> Year group of consumer (Pupil/Staff/Visitor)

<class/> Registration group of consumer (Pupil/Staff/Visitor)

</miscontactname/> Parental salutation sourced from school MIS system (MIS Sourced)*

<service/> Name of Payment Item chosen when adding recipients (if more than one payment item is selected, it will be the first one that caused the consumer to be added to the recipient list

<balance/> Consumer’s (Pupil/Staff/Visitors) balance on the Payment Item selected (NOTE: this only applies to event-related items which have an event type linked to them or the balance will not pull through)

<totalpaid/> Total paid for consumer on the Payment Item given by <service/>

<date/> Date of the message run

<paypointbarcode/> Adds a PayPoint barcode unique to the consumer and selected Payment Item. (NOTE: For Payment Items, the item must be ticked for PayPoint when creating or amending the item, for Trip Module items, they are PayPoint enabled by default)

<signature/> Instruction to enable the upload of one image (either logo, letterhead or signature/footer)

<fsmexpiry/> End date of last FSM period of the consumer (Pupil)

<consumerrepeater> Used when sending communication to more than one payer i.e. Additional Payer Activation Letter

<servicerepeater> Used when sending balance related communication to more than one payer i.e. a debt letter to 2 payers

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