Why can’t a parent see a Payment Request?

There are several reasons why parents may not be able to view a payment request:

The pupil may not be included in the request

The request requires consent

Parental Responsibility is needed for parents to be able to give consent, view online reporting information*, see balances, and make bookings on School Gateway.

*SIMS only

Parental Responsibility needs to be applied in your MIS:


For Arbor

For ScholarPack

The parent's email needs re-enabling

If a parent/staff member is trying to make a payment on School Gateway but is receiving a No valid email error and is unable to then make the payment, this error usually means the parents email needs re-enabling in linked people in Schoolcomms.

When an email needs re-enabling, it prevents a parent/staff member from making any payments. Refer to the data issues support guide to assist you.

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