Why can a parent book and not pay for a club?

If the Club is set to Pay Later, the parent can book and pay later.


If you want the parent to pay at the time of booking, you will need to amend the club settings to Pay Now in club settings.

If the Club Member is not included in an active Payment Request linked to the Club, they will be able to make a booking and it will not ask for payment. Please check the following.

  • Go to payments and select the relevant Club Payment Request.
  • Click Edit.
  • Check that the Payment Request Type is Clubs flexible and can be made more than once.
  • Check that the payment request is linked to the Club.
  • Check that Visible from and to dates are correct and current.
  • Check that the Club Member is included in the Payment Request.
  • Also ensure they have no data issues against their email address.
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