Meal Booking

This gives the payer the option to simply Book a Meal on a given day. No menu is displayed and the  school/caterer would have to display the menu to payers via other means, perhaps a website or a Newsletter.

When the payer logs in they only have the option to book a meal. The payer must confirm the booking. If the pupil is a free meal or universal infant free meal pupil the booking will be saved and there will be no relevant charge attributed.

If the payer is required to pay for meals the cost of the booked meals will be added to their basket. They payer will have two hours from the time of booking the meal to pay. If payment is not received after two hours the booking will be cancelled and an email will be sent to the payer advising them of this.


The menu below shows how a Meal Booking only menu appears within a payers account:




Please note: Some schools will charge more than the allowance for Universal Infant Free School Meals. In these instances the additional cost will be attributed to the payer account once a meal is booked and the payer will be required to pay for the additional amount charged. If the school does not want parents to pay the additional amount and are happy to cover the additional cost they can contact the Support team and ask for the UIFSM allowance rate to be increased to cover the cost of the meal.


There is no additional charge for existing ParentPay users – if you are already using ParentPay Dinner Money just submit a request to our Support Team and we will gather the necessary information and set this up for you.

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