You can upload a static menu to ParentPay to enable your parents to view what is on offer via their ParentPay account. If you are using our data capture module with a cashless catering till system, it may be that your till provider can feed the menu information into ParentPay from the till, please contact the ParentPay Support Team for confirmation.
Upload your static menu
To upload your static menu click Attendance, meals & events > Menus and select the option to download the Excel template.
When you open the Excel template you will be able to view four worksheets. Go to the Help tab within the workbook and follow the instructions for completing the Menus, Cycle and Schools template tabs.
Once you have completed your menu template save it with a name you will be able to easily identify.
Within ParentPay click Choose File and select the menu template file you have created and saved.
Click Save
You will need to search the relevant Local Authority and then locate your school to view your menu.