- Go to Payment items > Create other payment item
- Select a category for your payment item. (if no appropriate category exists choose ‘Other’ and enter your own category name. If it needs to be a payment item, do not choose trip as it will change it to the trip set up.)
- Click Next
- Choose the type of payment item you wish to create. Click Repeatable at the top of the page to see the repeatable payment item types.
Please note: A variety of payment items are available to accommodate the different types of payments that you might wish to collect. These are covered in the Payment item overview document should you require a breakdown of the different types.
- Click Next
- Enter the name – Make sure your payment item name is relevant and clear as it will be visible to parents and visible in all of your reports
- Enter the description – The description enables you to provide detailed information to payers about the payment item. You can include hyperlinks to relevant websites to provide further information if you want to.
- Select the Notes option – No notes, Optional or Mandatory. If Optional or Mandatory is selected, please enter details of the information you require from payers in the description box above. If mandatory is selected, the payer will be unable to complete a payment until they have provided the information required.
- You can choose to enter a due date to inform payers when payment should be made by. Please note: This is for information only and will not prevent parent/carers making payment after this date.
- If you wish parent/carers to be able to purchase more than one of the item (i.e concert tickets), tick this box. Enter the Default quantity, Minimum quantity and Maximum quantity.
Please note: The Default quantity will be displayed to payers but they are able to change this within the limits set by the school.
- If there is a limit to the number of places or items, tick the box for Limited Availability and enter the number that you have available.
- Enter the Default amount – This is the total cost of the item/activity
- Enter the minimum and maximum payments
Please note: for Single fixed cost items these should all be the same amount
- Choose the bank account you would like to credit payments to for the new payment item. (Optional) You can use up to six reporting codes. You can enter these in the Account Code and Description boxes or you can select from the pre populated drop down menus. The reporting codes will be included in certain reports and in your settlement statements.
- Tick any required boxes in the section below and then Click to Save item
You will see confirmation that your payment item has been saved and you will have to assign people in order for parents to see and make use of it.
Please refer to the guidance ‘Assigning people to payment items’ for help on how to do this