SIMS Integration Troubleshooting

SIMS Error Messages

If your Schoolcomms import fails (it may be accompanied by the error message below), or if the Run Import button is greyed out, it indicates that Schoolcomms is unable to connect to your SIMS database.






You may also experience a SIMS integration error similar to the example below when trying to access Attendance Contact:





Please follow the steps below to ensure that the path between SIMS and Schoolcomms is correct. You may need to contact your IT Support for assistance with this. 

  • Close Schoolcomms and SIMS
  • Open the File Explorer on the PC
  • Navigate to C:\Windows and locate the SIMS.ini file (the file type is Configuration Settings).




Open the SIMS.ini file and check the SIMSDotNetDirectory line. If this path is empty or is incorrect, this will be the cause of the issue. You will need to ensure that this is populated within the location of the local ‘SIMS .net’ folder on the PC (see example below).





Following this path should take you to the local connect.ini file on the PC:




Following the path inside this connect.ini file should redirect you to the connect.ini file on the SIMS server (alternatively, the database information may be directly in here). Please ensure that the databases/server names etc. are correct within this file.

Trusted Authentication

SIMS schools are able to enable trusted authentication for users in SIMS, this then also needs to be configured within the users connect.ini file, allowing the user to auto login to SIMS without having to manually enter their SIMS credentials within Schoolcomms.

If your Schoolcomms is configured for trusted authentication but this has not been applied in SIMS. Then this would prevent the import from running.

Please could you ask your IT/SIMS support in school to check that trusted authentication has been applied in SIMS for your SIMS user.

Alternatively if you do not want trusted authentication applied. You will need to remove trusted authentication from the connect.ini file.

To access the connect.ini file:

  • Close Schoolcomms and SIMS
  • Open the File Explorer on the PC
  • Navigate to C:\Windows and locate the SIMS.ini file (the file type is Configuration Settings).
  • Open the SIMS.ini file and check the SIMSDotNetDirectory line
  • Following this path should take you to the local connect.ini file on the PC


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