How do I delete a leaver from Schoolcomms - SIMS MIS

If a school member has left the school, they will be marked as a leaver the next time the import is run. Once you have saved any information/messages relating to these members, and you are certain that no payments or club bookings will need to be made by the parent(s), you can remove them from Schoolcomms using the delete leavers process.

To delete leavers in Schoolcomms, access the desktop version of Schoolcomms > click Management > Import Management

You will see the Delete Leavers tab (top left), select this option and highlight the members you want to delete in the left-hand box and select Add. 

Now click OK to confirm the members for deletion.

NOTE  Deleting your leavers will permanently remove them from Schoolcomms. You will no longer be able to send messages to them and any association to your school will be removed from their School Gateway account. Before deleting your leavers, ensure you have saved any information/messages relating to them and performed any manual transactions/refunds as there will be no way of recovering them once deleted from Schoolcomms. Any personal information which cannot be removed will be anonymised in 14 days, which will show as XXXX in your Schoolcomms report.
When the delete leavers process is followed and you receive the success message, the leavers will be queued for deletion from our database, so you may continue to see members who are in the process of being deleted for a short period of time until they are removed (this timescale will depend on the number of leavers being deleted).

Should you wish to extend the anonymised period, please click here 



If you have a large number of leavers to delete or if you have attempted the delete leavers process several times and are experiencing an error, we are able to delete all of the leavers on your behalf.

You will need to submit your request in writing via or complete a support request here

If you only want to delete some of the school members who have been flagged as leavers, you will need to provide a list of the leavers names that you would like to be deleted. We could then escalate this to our development team for the leavers to be deleted permanently. You will need to submit your request in writing via or complete a support request here

To do this you could export the 'members absent from last import' management report. This report will give you a list of the school members that have been flagged as leavers on the last import. You could then edit this report once exported, so that it only shows the names of the leavers that you want to be deleted from Schoolcomms.

You can access the Members absent from last import report by going to Dashboard>Management>Management Reports>Type to search and enter MEMBERS ABSENT FROM LAST IMPORT


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