Reconciling Your Settlements

Schoolcomms will disburse any money the school receives through online transactions in either a weekly or fortnightly cycle, provided your bank accounts have been approved.
The money will be settled into the bank account(s) you the school have in your Payment Settings area within Payments.

Reconcile monies disbursed to your account

  1. On the school’s bank statement, take note of the date and the amount you have received into your account from Schoolcomms.
  2. Open Schoolcomms and go to the Payments area. Click on the Payments Reports tab on the left hand side and select the Settlement Reconciliation Report.
  3. Select the filter icon, amend the date range accordingly and then select 'apply filter'.
  4. Click onto the Settlement date you want to check - this will give you a breakdown of the payment requests that this relates to.

Please note:
The breakdown of the Settlement shows the amount settled by payment request.
However if there are refunds included in a settlement this figure may not add up to the settled amount and the refunds may not show.
This is because the figures show the total amount settled so it is the overall amount including any refunds and payments.
Therefore, if there are refunds within a settlement we would advise schools to use the Transaction Day Book to reconcile, please find instructions below.

Checking individual transactions that a particular settlement relates to

  1. On the school’s bank statement, take note of the date and the amount you have received into your account from Schoolcomms.
  2. Open Schoolcomms and go to the Payments area. Click on the Payments Reports tab on the left hand side and select the Transaction Day Book.
  3. When the Transaction Day Book is open, you will have two date ranges at the top of the report. Enter a large date range in the past, we advise at least the previous two months to ensure all payments are picked up. You will also see all the column headers have filter icons to allow you to filter your data.
  4. To filter the report further, you will need to export it to an Excel document. To do this click the Export button within the report.
  5. Open the excel document, there is one task that needs to be done to ensure all the correct payments are listed. Highlight all the column headers, click your Sort & Filter button and select the Filter option.
  6. You will now have a drop down button on all of the column headings.
    Click on the drop down button on the Settlement Date column (Column X) and make sure you have only ticked the Settlement Date you are reconciling, this will then remove any other settlement dates and blank columns.
    If a transaction has a blank settlement date in this report then this means this money has not yet been settled to the school.
  7. You will now have a report showing all the transactions for this settlement period and if you total the Amount column (Column C) this should equal the amount you received in your bank account. You can then filter this report down further to give you the data that is needed.
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