Within your Dinner system, you have a series of reports which will help you manage your Dinners and keep track of the balance. Below is a list of the reports that you will be able to access and a brief outline of what they contain.
- Log into Schoolcomms and click on Dinner > Dinner Reports
- Once you are in Dinners select Dinner Reports from the left-hand side menu
- This will bring up a list of the reports and a description of each report is listed alongside the report name to help you distinguish which report you need.
The reports include:- Weekly meal numbers – This will display the totals of billed meals, free school meals, and universal free school meals for each day in the period selected
- Dinner balances – This report will list all the dinner balances for all members
- Dinner transactions – This report will list all the dinner transactions
- Click on the report you wish to view
- To filter on a column, click the Filter icon within the column header and select the drop-down arrow
- To save a report select Export or print the report by selecting Print on the top right corner