ScoMIS managed schools

ScoMIS managed schools


If your school is managed by ScoMIS, then you will need to contact them before you start your implementation of ParentPay to ensure your system is enabled to send SIMS data to ParentPay.   Please allow at least 28 days for ScoMIS to send you the software needed to link your SIMS to ParentPay.


What you need to do


Please log a service desk call with ScoMIS by emailing informing them that you need the ‘SIMS External Connector’ to enable you to link your SIMS database to ParentPay.

They will then send you the software to install at the school.  This should only take 10 minutes to install.  If you have technical support, you may like to ask them to assist you.


If you have any further questions about the process of linking SIMS to ParentPay via ScoMIS, please check ScoMIS’s website: Frequently Asked Questions

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