What is Pupil Premium?

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

Pupil premium funding is available to: Local-authority-maintained schools, including special schools and pupil referral units (PRUs), voluntary-sector alternative provision (AP), with local authority agreement, special schools not maintained by the local authority (NMSS), academies and free schools, including special and AP academies’ Source: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pupil-premium-information-for-schools-and-alternative-provision-settings 13/07/16

Pupil Premium Settings

Within Online Reporting, you can decide whether or not to make the Pupil Premium questionnaire visible to parents on School Gateway.

Within the Pupil Premium menu tab you can turn the visibility of the questionnaire on or off by ticking or unticking the highlighted tick box.


When a parent completes the questionnaire, none of their answers will be shared with the school. If their child/children is eligible based on the parent’s answers, the school will be notified in their Schoolcomms inbox. Details as to why they might qualify will not be disclosed.

What questions are asked?

Six questions are asked to determine eligibility;

  1. Have any of your children received means tested free school meals in the last six years?
  2. Do you or your partner work for the UK armed forces?
  3. Are any of your children adopted form care?
  4. Does your household get Universal credit?
  5. Does your household get Working Tax Credit?
  6. Does your household get Child Tax Credit?

Answering yes to one or more of these questions will prompt the school that this child/children may be eligible for Pupil Premium.

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