How to assign people to your trip?

What is a dynamic search field?


Unlike traditional searches, a dynamic search field will allow you to quickly filter your data, in order to find individuals and groups more efficiently. You can repeat this operation multiple times, prior to assigning the entire list to your trip.


How do I assign people to trips?


When you use the ‘Assign people to trip’ option for a trip, you are presented with the dynamic search box below.






I then wish to select two individuals to add to the trip.  I select the ‘Add individual’ field and am presented with every person I have available on the system.  




While I can scroll through this list, I know that I am trying to find Adam West.  I type in ‘wes’ which filters my list to just two entries.  As he is the highlighted entry, I just press enter, adding him to the list. 




Finally, I want to add a child from registration group Reg 3JJ but can’t recall their name.  I type in ‘3JJ’ and am presented with a filtered list of that class.




I want to add ‘Ciaran Kyle’ so I cursor down to him and hit enter to add him to the list.




I am now ready to add these groups and individuals to my trip so I select the Assign people button which presents me with my assigned people list.




I can repeat the operation by using the Assign more people button or I can remove people by selecting the remove icon next to their name.


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