Add a new user in Schoolcomms
- Go to Dashboard
- Click on User Accounts
- Click on Add New User Management
- Create a username (which must be between 8 and 15 characters and only letters and numbers) and select the role. Click here to view the Schoolcomms User Permissions
Please note: each username is unique across all Schoolcomms user not just users at your school - Enter the user's personal details and their email address. If you want this email address to be the Reply-To-address for messages sent from the 'Compose email' screen by this user please tick the box at the bottom of this screen.
- Click ok and you will receive confirmation that the user has been successfully created and will be given the user's memorable data - please take a note of this. The password will be sent to the user's email address.
Please note: Schoolcomms multi-users can unlock Schoolcomms user accounts, reset passwords and memorable data via Dashboard > User Management.