Menu Selection: Recording Meals within the Manager Account

It is hoped that the majority of your Payers will book meals online via their individual ParentPay accounts however, if you do need to book meals for individual pupils you are able to action this via your ParentPay Manager Account.

Recording Meals for an Individual Pupil


Go to Attendance, meals & events > Booking and Selection


Session time: select Lunch time, Breakfast etc.
Group 1: Pupil (bookings/selections are currently only available for the pupils group)
Group 2: choose year group, registration group, custom group or ALL
Date: enter or select the date from the calendar

Click View consumers




Find the relevant pupil and select Make / review selections for this consumer





As above go to Attendance, meals & events > Booking and Selection select your relevant criteria and click View consumers.

You will need to tick or untick the check boxes against each pupil to ensure you have selected only the pupils you want to book meals for. Once you have done this click to either Make/review selection for day for all checked or Make/review selections for week for all checked

Make the selections required by clicking on menu item required for that day/each day that




When you have finished making your selections click Save updates

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