Creating pupil meal and non-meal choices for Classroom Selection

The Set up meal choices page allows schools to select from the meal choices available to be used within the Classroom selection module.


To set up your choices

  1. Navigate to Attendance, meals and events > Classroom Selections.
  2. From the left-hand menu choose Set up meal choices.
  3. Check each coloured meal option that you wish to make available for the pupils at your school to choose from.
  4. Check each of the non-meal options that you wish to provide for full pupil inclusion (no meal, Home meal, Packed lunch).  This ensures that no child feels excluded.
    Please note: Only coloured meal choices will be charged.
  5. Select Save to complete the setup.





Question: Can I change the name of the meals?

Answer: No, it is not possible to modify the colours at this time.


Question: Can I add different colours or choices to the list?

Answer: It is currently not possible to add options to the existing list.

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