While most payments will be made and refunded online through the ParentPay Payer application, you may on occasion need to provide a cash refund.
This article will teach you...
How to record a manual refund in ParentPay to keep track of paying cash out to a parent.
Occasionally, it is necessary to provide a manual refund to a payer.
Example situations are:
- The bank account you are refunding to is no longer available (closed or cancelled).
- The original payment card has expired and there are no alternative payments that can be refunded.
- The original payment is too old to process and there are no alternative payments that can be refunded.
- The original payment was made manually, e.g. using cash, cheque or PayPoint.
Things to consider:
- Make sure you account for adjustments or payments you have made from other sources, such as Pupil Premium or Bursaries as these are not due a refund.
- You must not refund Childcare Vouchers or Tax Free Childcare payments - refer to the government website for more on how to deal with such payments.
- If you are refunding a balance for a leaver, ensure that they no longer use any of your services. If you refund too early, you may cause them to go into debt if they are still using the attendance service.
- Ensure that you retain a signed receipt from the recipient of the refund for your record of the manual process.
Refund balances using a manual process
- Navigate to Finance > Record Adjustments
- In Choose payment criteria
- Select the appropriate Payment item
- Select Debit as the method
- In the Choose group or search for pupil
- Search for the relevant pupil using the available options
- Select Search
The balance remaining or amount paid (depending on payment item) will show against the pupil in the Balance column - Enter the Amount being refunded into the Amount field
- Enter Internal comment and Notes to payer to describe the refund for your internal audit record
- Select Debit
- Complete the actual payment to the parent using cash or cheque.