Mandatory tasks

There are three mandatory tasks that are the basis of the system and are required to be completed before the optional tasks. These should be completed before the end of the current academic year where possible.


Task name Number of subtasks Requirements
Entering term dates and closure dates 2
  • Approximately 5 minutes to complete
  • Term dates for the next academic yearthese should be the days set by your governing authority. Individual closing days can be taken out of these open days as below.
  • Closing dates (where known) such as inset days, polling days, etc. – these days are taken OUT of the open days defined by the term dates above.
Updating contact details 1
  • Approximately 1 minute to complete
  • Name, number and/or email address of primary contact, catering contact (where appropriate) and data protection officer (DPO)
Updating meal/session prices 2
  • Approximately 5 minutes to complete
  • Meal and/or event and session prices for the start(*) of the next academic year
  • Free school meal (FSM) allowance value for the start(*) of the next academic year

(*) - the values can be changed throughout the year but these initial values will be used for bookings through the summer holiday period and for the start of the new academic year.

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