When manually adding or uploading new Stock Items a Warning message will be generated if a user attempts to import a stock item that is already integrated with Erudus (based on matching product codes). Select Yes [1] and the stock item will still be updated, but not the allergen or nutrition information.
Select No [2] and the import action will be cancelled.
IMPORTANT: Make sure Stock Item codes are correct to avoid Stock Item errors!
Menu Recipes
In the Recipes page the Erudus integration stops users being able to override the nutrition data for a stock item via the McCance and Widdowson dataset when the Magnify icon [1] in the Nutrition column is clicked.
There will be a Note [2] in the Update Nutrition Data window advising this data cannot be edited, users will only be able to click Cancel [3] to close the window.
To populate nutritional and allergen data on stock items using the Erudus Integration, customers will require:
- Their Suppliers APIs setup and activated
- The Erudus Integration to be enabled on their site
- Supplier Product Codes must match the Stock Product Codes required in existing Kitchen Manager Stock Items.
The Erudus Integration links to the Cypad database manager, Erudus API and Customer database to identify and update information on the allergen and nutritional values for each stock item. You will need to contact Support@cypad.com to have this enabled.