School Meal Reporting

There are a number of school meal related reports within the ParentPay system however, not all schools will be able to access all of the reports. Access is based on the specific ParentPay modules you are using. For instance schools using the Classroom Selection module with have reports available that are not relevant, and therefore not visible, to school staff using the system to record Attendance manually.


All reports are accessed via the Attendance, meals & events tab in ParentPay.




The most popular reports are as follows:

Meal Number Report: Report 03 - individual meal numbers


(Cost and non-cost report for individual pupils)




Summary report: Report 05 - Summary return general

(Breakdown of meal numbers, value of those meals and method of payment.)




Meal register report: Report 13 – Advanced event supervisor report

(Breakdown of meal numbers and meal choices.)



Class register report: Report 04 – Register

(Classic register report which can be used within the classroom to mark attendance)



FSM/UiFSM entitlement report: Report 07 – FSM entitlement

(Entitlements by pupil within dates selected)



Schools are advised to run all of the reports relevant to their use of the ParentPay system to identify which of the reports are best suited to their requirements.




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