SEEMIS integration setup guide

How Scottish schools manage data

Schools have direct links from their ParentPay site to the SEEMiS data warehouse. The data is refreshed overnight and schools can do one upload to their ParentPay site per day to refresh their pupil data with changes.

How schools import SEEMiS pupil data

  • Log into ParentPay
  • Go to People > Uploads > SEEMIS upload
  • Choose Import Pupil data and press the Import button

Row 18 Image 1.png


The data will be imported and the user will be informed if there are any errors. Once a successful upload has been processed, schools will not have the ability to perform further uploads until the following day when the refreshed data is available from the SEEMIS data warehouse (overnight).

Row 18 Image 2.png

To check to see if new pupil data records have been included or archived, or to check any other amendments to your SEEMiS data, please go to Upload History and click view details next to any upload record.

IMPORTANT: If you have pupils missing from your upload, please check the following:

  • Check that the pupil has a main contact in SEEMiS. If they don’t, they
    won’t be included in the upload. Please add contact details and re-upload
    the following day
  • Check the pupil has the box ticked ‘to include in an online payment

Staff & additional uploads on ParentPay


This is essential as the meal types are assigned to the above categories (and it will affect reports). All additional records should fall into one of the above categories and the manual uploads you send to ParentPay for processing should be labelled as such. If you are unsure about which category to use, please ask ParentPay Support for further advice.


Primary schools: Schools need to send a staff upload template to ParentPay before their launch (you will have received this template with your welcome email). Please send this to (with all school staff who may need to use the online payments facility) and ask for it to be uploaded to your
school site.

Secondary schools:
Before your launch you will need to download a diner report from your existing cashless till system, ensuring the staff IDs are used as the staff ID on the ParentPay staff file. Please then change the year group and registration group to STAFF and STAFF and send this to if you are still being onboarded or to our support team at any time after this period, requesting it to be uploaded.


After your implementation: Any staff starters/leavers should be added/removed to this Excel list and sent to ParentPay Support ( for processing. Please do not re-use the Staff ID (eg.
ST0001, ST0002) for new starters, please use the next available number at the bottom of the list.


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