How to complete a manual upload to ParentPay

The manual upload process is used for schools who use an MIS (Management information system) that does not currently integrate with the ParentPay system.


The ParentPay support team or implementation team will be able to advise whether a certain MIS has an integration in place.

Before a mapping can be created, MIS Sync must have been downloaded from the ParentPay support site, and installed on the computer being used. A pupil data file must have been exported from the MIS before a mapping can be created, and a mapping must have been created in MIS Sync. Please review the guidance How to install MIS Sync, Preparing a pupil data file for manual upload, and How to create a mapping in MIS Sync for guidance on how to complete this.

Completing a pupil data upload

  • Open MIS Sync and log in as outlined in How to install MIS Sync, ensuring the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window is set to Other
  • Navigate to Pupils > Manual update


  • Select the yellow folder icon, and browse for the pupil data file exported from the MIS
  • Select the mapping from the Select mapping drop-down menu
  • Select Import


The CSV file must not be open on the computer during the previous steps, as it will prevent MIS Sync from being able to access the data.



  • The pupil data will be extracted from the file and will be displayed within the MIS Sync window.
  • Any fields that are not populated/included in the pupil data file will remain blank within MIS Sync.
  • If there are any errors within the data, an exclamation mark will be displayed in the first column of the data. Any errors will need to be corrected in the pupil data file, and reimported to MIS Sync.



An exclamation mark will occasionally be displayed for non-critical reasons such as missing FSM entitlement dates. Leaving these dates out of the upload will not cause it to fail.

If it is not possible to locate an error in the data when a pupil record is marked with an exclamation mark, it is advised to process the upload into ParentPay. If the error is critical, the upload will fail, and the system will provide a failure message explaining the cause.

  • Select Upload at the bottom of the window to export the data to the ParentPay system


  • The upload will then process, and once completed, a red message reading There were warning messages received, please check the messages tab for details will be displayed at the bottom of the window


  • Select the Messages tab. If the upload is successful, a message will be displayed, and MIS Sync can be closed


  • If the upload has failed, a message will be displayed. An error message containing the cause of the failure will be displayed further down the window


  • If the upload has failed, the error will need to be corrected in the pupil data file, and the upload can then be reattempted
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