How to make an Allergy safe Menu Item?

To create an allergy-safe Menu Item for students with allergies follow the details below to ensure all the health and safety requirements are met when creating an allergen safe menu template.

Go to Menus > Items > click Add 


Fill in the following Menu Item Tabs


1. Details Tab: When filling in the details make use of the Label field to include words like Gluten-free, Vegan, Dairy-free, etc. 

2. Allergens Tab: Select allergens from a checklist of the 14 most common dietary allergens, if a menu item does not have any known allergens select the option for No Allergens. This checklist should be completed and, if required, use the Notes column to record any specific details for an allergen.

3. Diet type Tab: Setting a Student’s Diet Type will only show Menu Items available for selection in all Meal Selection channels (Manager App, Whiteboard, Parent Bookings and Tablet) that has been marked as safe for a Student's Diet Type.

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