How do I link a contact/parent to a child in Schoolcomms and add their contact details?

There is now an enhanced import available for CSV schools via a new web based version of Schoolcomms with the following added feature.

  • Ability for one contact to be added per school member

Please click here for further information on hot to import the first contact.

To add further contacts you will need to individually add each parent along with their email address and mobile manually into Schoolcomms, following the steps below.

  1. Click on School Gateway from the bottom of the left-hand menu
  2. Select the School Members Tab, you may need to press the 3 lines in the top left for this to appear
  3. Select the child you want to add the contact for, click on Add Linked Person to add the contact details for the first parentmceclip0.png

  4. Complete the personal details for the parent
  5. Select the Relationship you want for the parent
  6. Tick if the parent has Parental Responsibility.mceclip1.png

  7. Add the contact details and choose if you want to send a confirmation email or text to the parents. Click Save
  8. If you want to add an additional contact, click Add Linked Person from the right-hand side menu and repeat steps 5-8 above
  9. Any changes to these linked people will also need to be done here by clicking edit from the right-hand side menu.
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