Meals - Actions Menu

  This article will teach you...

How to use the Transactions Toolbar

Classic User Interface Guidance

Classic User Interface Guidance

Using the Transactions Toolbar

  1. Navigate to Payments > Transactions.


  • Export - Generate a transaction report for the selected school - Change to Exports grid details displayed
  • Debt Ltr 1 - Generate a debt letter for the selected student with a reminder to pay in advance
  • Debt Ltr 2 - Generate a debt letter for selected students regarding free school meals entitlement with a reminder to apply to the council for free meals
  • Debt Report – Generate a school meals debt report for all students with an option to email the report to head teachers
  • Credit Report - Generate a school meals credit report for all students
  • Trans. Rpt – Generate a transaction report for a selected student with the option to select a date range
  • Final Rem. 1 – Generate a final reminder for selected students to repay the debt within two weeks or meals will be stopped
  • Final Rem. 2 – Generate a final reminder for selected students to pay for the final term as soon as possible
  • Status Filter - View Open, Closed, and Hold transaction data for Students. The default value is set to Open.

Locating the Actions Menu

  1. Navigate to Meals > Meals.
  2. Click Actions [1].
    1. Actions Menu.png
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