If you receive a message regarding the remaining storage space available within your Schoolcomms account, or you are unable to send a message, you may need to archive or delete some of your Sent Items.
Draft messages will also need to be deleted across all users. (Schoolcomms users would need to delete their own drafts).
To view your current space usage allowance:
- Click on Dashboard
- Messaging (The envelope icon)
- Sent items
- Click on a message
- Under Actions, click on the Space Usage icon
To archive messages:
Top tip: Did you know you can archive in bulk - select all of the sent messages by applying a tick in the box next to the sort by date
- Select the messages you wish to archive from the Sent Items screen
(To select all of the sent messages, input a tick in the box next to the sort by date) - Under Actions, click the Archive Messages icon
- You will then receive the following message: Archived messages will be saved to the downloads folder on your computer and will no longer be available in Sent Items.
- Click Yes to confirm
To delete sent messages
- Select the messages you wish to delete from the Sent Items screen
(To select all of the sent messages, input a tick in the box next to the sort by date) - Under Actions, click the Delete icon
- You will then receive the following message:
- Click Yes to confirm