Dual tablet mode - Legend

  This article will teach you...

The different views that will be displayed during the Dual Tablet Process.

Accessing Legends

For information about what the colored bars and icons mean, go to Menu [1] > Legend [2].

Legend Breakdown


 Taken today

The student collected their lunch from the cook.


 Meal preselected

The meal has been preselected on the Whiteboard or by the parents.


 Meal eligible

The default status for students.


 Meal not eligible

The student may not be registered to have a meal on that day; however, the student is still able to have a meal from the canteen - This is something the Admin and cook need to discuss as an administration issue.


 Balance overdue

The student can still have a school meal - This is something the Admin and cook need to discuss as an administration issue.


 Credit below £3

There is enough money available for the student to have a meal - This is something the Admin and cook need to discuss as an administration issue.


 FSM Student

The student is eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).


The student has an allergy and has specific dietary requirements.


 Packed lunch 

The student has a packed lunch from home.


Special Diet

The student has Special Dietary (sd) needs.

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