How to add recurring line item templates and KPIs into site invoices

Invoices which include recurring charges (e.g. Management Fees, spillages and breakages) can now have a global default template for reoccurring items and the fees as required. KPIs can also be set up for each invoice fee which records a value for each site daily. These can be changed at the Site level.


The KPIs cannot be modified once set

Accessing Admin

Navigate to Kitchen Manager > Admin.

Invoicing Configuration

Select Invoicing [1] from the navigation tree and click Recurring Charges [2].

Enter an Invoice Charge Name [3] (e.g. Administration Fee) and a Default Value [4] (e.g. 20.00).

KPI ID [5] is automatically assigned.

Press Save [6] to finish the process.


Site Invoicing 

Navigate to Kitchen Manager > Sites.

Select the Relevant Site [1] to open the Site Configuration details.

Site Details.png

Open the Invoicing Tab [2].

Using the text cells enter the following information:

Description [3]

The name of the recurring Line Item, is un-editable.

Value [4]
The user can set a site-specific value if Use Default is un-ticked.
Use Default [5]
The user can specify whether to use the default value (ticked checkbox) or to set a site-specific value (unticked checkbox)


When the Default Value is selected the editable Value option is greyed out.

KPI ID [6]
This is automatically updated and is un-editable.


Following the standard Invoice generating process, this invoice will include the recurring Administration Fee that has been applied in the previous step.

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