Before the questionnaire can be used it must be packaged. You can package a single questionnaire or create a Package Folder to hold several related questionnaires in a single package. The package can then be made visible to specific users.
This article will teach you...
How to add a package within Monitor.
Navigate to Packages and click Packages [1] which will bring up a drop-down window with two different options. Select Add Package [2] to open the Add Package window where you can enter the details.
In the Add Package Window, fill in the following fields:
Description [1]: Give the package a brief description which will be used as the name in the Packages Menu Tree
Status [2]: Set the package status to one of the following:
Open: This status is for new Packages that can only be filled in via the Desktop |
In Progress: Set the Package to In Progress to make it available to Tablet users |
Closed: A closed Package has been completed and is no longer available in the Monitor tab or on the Tablet. |
Archived: An Archived Package is only accessible in the Archived menu tree. If the Archived Package is inside a Package Folder, the Package will be Archived and remain in the Package Folder. |
Type [3]: The following Types of Packages are available:
- Standard: For single-use questionnaires, when these questionnaires are signed off they cannot be accessed via the tablet
- Repeating: For questionnaires that are repeated on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis
- Survey: For questionnaires that are being used to conduct or carry out a survey to measure performance, quality control, gather feedback, etc
- Assets: For questionnaires that are being used to assess and review available assets
- Site Visits: For questionnaires that are used during site visits for inspections and reviews
Cleaning: For dynamic questionnaires that are used to check off cleaning responsibilities and tasks on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Cleaning Questionnaires are dynamic making it possible for users to design buildings/rooms which are being cleaned.
Start Date [4]: The start date is used to set the order of active packages by start date in the package with packages yet to start being at the top of the list e.g. Kitchen H&S (start date 15/10/2020) will be below Cleaning (start date 10/10/2020)
End Date [5]: The end date is used to automatically close a package when the end date is past
Service [6]: Create your own unique Service types to meet your needs in System > Admin > Types > Services
Package Folder [7]: Select a list from the drop-down list, this list is populated with the lists created in Admin > Package folders
Email addresses [8]: For users who will be alerted when changes are made
Lower overall score per critical failure [9]: This records the answers to Yes/No questions ONLY by using the Weighting applied to each question (i.e. critical questions No answers with weighting will be calculated by %)
Inspection failure limit [10]: Total score from all weighted questions. This will record the questionnaire as FAILED in Analysis.
Users [11]: Checkboxes to select the users who will be able to access the Package
Questionnaires [12]: Select the questionnaires to add to the Package using the Questionnaires checkboxes.
Click Save to complete the Package.