A wide range of reports, nutritional averages, and related information is available for use in nutritional analysis.
This article will teach you...
How to use the various reporting functionalities within nutritional analysis.
Generating Nutritional Information Reports
- Navigate to Menus > Menus.
- Select a Menu [1] from the navigation tree located on the left-hand side.
- Select Actions [2] located on the right-hand side and select Nutrition Information [3] from the drop-down.
- Within Nutrition Information, select Actions and select either Export to Excel [4] or Export to PDF [5] to Download a report.
How to Analyse Weekly Nutritional Averages
After creating your stock items, building your menu and crafting your recipes the nutritional data can be analysed and adjusted according to your nutritional guidelines.
How to Analyse Nutritional Information for a Menu
Nutritional data can be used in a multitude of different ways which the following video explains in detail.
Generating Cost Reports
Users can generate a Costing Report as either an Excel or PDF document.
Navigate to Menus > Menus.
Select a Menu [1] from the navigation located on the left-hand side.
After selecting a Menu, select Actions [2] and select either Export to Excel [3] or Export to PDF [4].