Reporting (Meal Selection) - Cumulative Trading Summary Reports

Reporting allows you to access and utilise the data collected in Kitchen Manager, Meal Selection, Meal Register and Payments. You can access data from any integrated external system.

Adding a New Report

Use the Report Builder to build your KPI report.

Go to Settings > Report Builder > select the Trading Summary [1] Folder > click Add Report [2] 


NOTE You can change the destination folder using the Folder [3] drop-down.

Give the Report a Name [4] and Description [5].

In the Style [6] drop-down box select Trading Summary. A window will popup prompting you to save before adding any fields, click OK.


Set the Sub-Style [7] to Cumulative.

In the Chart colour [8] drop-down select a colour, if required, to easily identify your report.

Set the Visible to [9] value to either Admin, Managers or All. 

NOTE If the Visible to All is selected the trading report will be accessible to Tablet users via the Reports App.

Click the Change [10] button to open the KPI selection list to select the KPIs to use in the Report.

Drag and drop the desired KPI items from the KPI Description list [11] to the KPI selected list [12] and click Back [13] to save the KPI selections.


The Fields selected counter [14] will confirm how many KPI fields have been selected, if this is accurate click the Site Type [15] button to specify the types of Sites (e.g. Primary, Secondary, University, etc) you want the report to detail.


NOTE If you leave this bank the report will include the data from all sites.

Click Save [16] to complete the Report request. 

Editing Reports

The Student Meals Summary Report will be added to the Trading Summary folder, to group the KPIs click the Student Meals Summary Report [1] and the Fields selected Change [2] button to add identifier fields and total fields to the Report.


Drag and drop the Group [3], Total [4] and Grand Total [5] Description bars into the KPI selected list.


Items that are placed in the KPI selected list are automatically placed at the bottom of the list and. For example, after dragging the Group bar into the KPI selected list, change the order of item by clicking and holding the mouse button on the item to drag up or down the list as required.

The Group [3] bar is an editable field that is used to identify groups of KPI data. To rename it, click on the Group bar in the KPI selected list, enter a new name (for example Secondary School) and press Enter.

The Total [4] bar will calculate the total for all KPI items placed before it in the list, this is also an editable field. To rename it, click on the Total bar in the KPI selected list, enter a new name (for example Secondary Total) and press Enter.

The Grand Total [5] bar will calculate the all the Total bar's in the report. To establish the calculation rules click on the Grand Total bar to open a new Description field then drag and drop the Total bars into the new Description field. 

Use the +/- fields [6] to set the Add and subtraction rules for each item, in this example both the Primary Total and Secondary Total will be multiplied together to generate the Grand Total.

Click Back [7] then on the Report page click Save.

Generating your Report

After creating your new Report test it by selecting the Report [1] from the Reports list, set the date parameters [2] and click the Go [3] button.


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