How to approve data sharing for a GMA account

If your organisation has recently become part of a trust or your trust has asked to use the Group Manager Application (GMA), as part of GDPR compliance you, the data controller, need to approve the access request as it is your data.

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How to approve a GMA data share request

When an approval request is sent to a school from a GMA account, a notification tab is displayed on the manager home screen indicating there is an action to take.


  1. Select the Notification by clicking on it with your left mouse button (alternatively, navigate to Settings > Group manager).
    The Group manager data sharing access page is displayed with:
    • A legend identifying the possible status levels you may see for each GMA account associated with your school.
    • A list of the GMA accounts currently linked to your school along with the lead contact, their email, and the approval status.


If your school is not yet included in a GMA account this area will be blank.


  1. Select View/Edit access for one of the accounts displaying the Request Sent – ACTION REQUIRED icon.
  2. Review the details then select the checkbox to certify that you have permission to approve the data sharing. This will enable the approval button.


    You should not approve data-sharing connections unless you are authorised to do so and can confirm that the request is authentic and expected.

  3. Select the Approve request button.
  4. Review the confirmation popup and confirm you are happy to share the listed data and capabilities with the listed GMA account by selecting Approve request.
  5. A success banner will be displayed and the status icon will have changed to Approved.


School managers can revoke access to their site at any time for any associated GMA account. See How to revoke data sharing for a GMA account

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