How to manually Add Menu Items

Manager app users can add new Menu Items in bulk to the Menus App instead of manually enterting Menu items indivdually.

  This article will teach you...

How to use the menu item import tavble.


This feature is only available in the New UI.

Go to Menus > Admin > Menu Item Import [1]


When you have filled in all the columns for a new Menu Item you can add a new column for another Menu Item by clicking the Add Row [2] button.

If you need to delete a row you have created click the Delete [3] icon.

After you have all the new Menu Items recorded click the Save [4] button.

Content validation will highlight conflicts in red to prevent accidental errors when entering data into the form. When there is a conflict use the Tool-tip [5] on the left of the table to view more detail about the conflict.

Menu Item Details

When filling in the Menu Item details the marked fields * are mandatory:

  1. Item Name* (50-character limit)
  2. Item Name Cymarage (50-character limit)
    NOTE This option will only work if the Welsh translation function is enabled
  3. ID* (10-character alpha/numerical limit)
  4. Description/Description Cymarage (100-character limit)
  5. Pricing columns are all set to 2 decimal point (e.g. £10.00)
  6. Menu Type* (use one of the following entries)
    • Main
    • Vegetables
    • Dessert
    • Drink
    • Other
  1. The Menu Labels [6] are customised fields, please refer to Menus - Items Custom Labels.
  2. Ingredients column is used to add a complete list of ingredients for each menu item. When filling in the ingredients use a comma between each ingredient. To keep in line with appropriate allergen regulations use Bold (Ctrl+B), Italics (Ctrl+I) or Underline (Ctrl+U) formatting to highlight allergens.

Menu Item Allergens

It is important to fill in the Allergens columns for all Menu Items so Students can be prevented from selecting meals that conflict with their allergy settings on all meal ordering platforms.

The Allergen columns [1] have the 14 most common Allergies listed and a No Allergens Column, when filling in the Allergen columns type in Yes where an allergen is identified. When there is no allergen identified you can either enter No or leave the column blank.


Allergen validation: When the No Allergens [2] column is marked with a Yes and an Allergen (e.g. Eggs [3]) is marked as Yes the cell’s will be highlighted to alert you to the conflict. If you scroll to the left of the table, you will see an Alert Icon [4] which will advise you of the validation conflict.


Menu Item Diet Types

It is important to fill in the Diet Type columns [1] for all Menu Items so Students can be prevented from selecting meals that conflict with their Dietary requirements on all meal ordering platforms.


When filling in the Diet Types columns type in Yes where a Diet Type is identified. When there is No Diet Type identified you can either enter No or leave the column blank.

When a Diet Type (e.g. Suitable for Vegetarian) is marked as Yes and a conflicting Diet Type (e.g. Contains Beef) has also been marked as Yes the cell’s will be highlighted to alert you to the conflict. If you scroll to the left of the table, you will see the Tool-tip [5] on the left of the table to view more detail about the conflict.

Entry validations

Text Entry errors

When filling in the Allergens and Diet Types typing in Y [1] instead of Yes or N [2] instead of No will be identified as a conflict in the Tool-tip on the left of the table.


The text required in these cells must be one of the following to pass the validation:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Blank cell

Numerical errors

When filling in the Menu Item Details Price columns and Nutrition columns will only accept entries to 2 decimal places (000.00). If you type in more than 2 decimal places the excess numbers will be automatically deleted.

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