How to use the Menu Items Import Template

  This article will teach you...

How to download the Menu Items Import Excel template, how to fill it in to avoid validation errors, upload the file to the Menu Item Import page, and identify and resolve validation errors before saving the new Menu Items.


The Menu Item Import validation will be performed automatically during the uploading process.

To download the Excel Template click the Actions [1] button then click Download Template [2].


When you open the Excel spreadsheet click the Enable Editing [3] button and use the Cheesy Baked Bean Pasta [4] example as a guide for filling in all the columns.



Delete the Cheesy Baked Beans Pasta row before saving your spreadsheet and uploading.

When filling in the Menu Item details template the marked fields * are mandatory, follow these rules to ensure a successful upload:

  1. Item Name (50-character limit) *
  2. ID (10-character alpha/numerical limit) *
  3. Welsh Translation fields can only be used if the feature has been enabled.
  4. Description fields have a 100-character limit.
  5. Pricing fields must be filled in with 2 decimal places (e.g. 10.00)
  6. Menu Type (use one of the following entries) *
    • Main
    • Vegetables
    • Dessert
    • Drink
    • Other
  7. Sub Type (use one of the following entries)
    • Packed Lunch (home)
    • Packed Lunch (school
    • Default
    • Meat
    • Vegetarian
    • Vegan
    • Fish
  8. Menu Labels are customised fields, please refer to Menus - Items Custom Labels
  9. Ingredients, to keep in line with EU Allergen regulations use Bold (Ctrl+B), Italics (Ctrl+I) or Underline (Ctrl+U) formatting to highlight allergens.
  10. Allergen fields must be either marked as Yes, No or leave as a blank cell
    IMPORTANT  Fill in the Allergens columns for all Menu Items so Students can be prevented from selecting meals that do not meet their allergy or dietary restrictions.
  11.  Diet Types must be either marked as Yes, No or leave as a blank cell
  12. Nutrition data is needed for the Menus Nutritional Metrics to work, all entries are limited to 2 decimal points (e.g. 100.00).

When the Template has been filled in save it to your desktop in .xlsx format and upload it to the Menus Item Import page by clicking the Actions [1] button and selecting the Upload File [2] option.


When the new Menu Items have been uploaded to the table any validation errors will be highlighted and identified by the Tool-tip [3] on the left of the table. 

When any validation errors have been resolved click the Save [4] button.

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