Version 58 Overview

Payments Pre-ordering: Amending Allergy and Diet Types

When Allergen or Diet Type details are edited on a child’s details any pre-orders that conflict with the changes are automatically removed from the Payments page.

Allergies tab

When adding or editing Allergies an alert will be displayed advising that “Adding a new allergy for this student may affect pre-orders”, click OK to confirm the changes and check the student pre-orders to identify if any pre-orders have been affected by this change.

Diet Type tab

When adding or editing Diet Types an alert will be displayed advising that “Amending diet type information for this menu item may affect pre-orders.”, click OK to confirm the changes and check the student pre-orders to identify if any pre-orders have been affected by this change.

Menus - Analysis

The following reason descriptions have been added to the Deleted pre-orders record.

  • Menu item allergen amendment
  • Menu item diet type amendment

Tablet – Meal Register: Pending Allergy request Notification

When an allergy has been added to a child’s record by a parent it goes through an allergy approval process. During this process the allergy request is marked as pending on the Tablet Meal Register so that the cooks can follow-up with the school admin to ensure the child is protected from making a meal selection that has an allergen that may be harmful to them.

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