How to disable the Arbor Attendance import feature

If a school migrate away from Arbor as their MIS provider or choose a different meal solution for the catering provision, the Arbor Attendance module will need to be disabled (where used).

  This article will teach you...

To explain how to disable the data sharing facility within Arbor and how to request the functionality is disabled and removed within ParentPay.

Removing the data sharing agreement between Arbor and ParentPay

  1. In the Arbor Management Information System (MIS) navigate to System > Partner Apps (API Users).
  2. Locate the ParentPay share and choose the remove option.

Removing the Arbor Attendance feature from ParentPay Manager Application

A request will need to be submitted to the ParentPay service desk to ask for the service to be removed. You must include your DfE number (found on the home page of the Manager Application screen) in the request and have already disabled the data sharing agreement (above).

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