To enable Arbor import to automatically tick the attendance screen, you must create at least one group and pattern for meals. This feature is ideal for users who have multiple pupils that retain the same regular pattern.
To reduce warnings, you may need to set up groups and patterns for all meal event types e.g. Sandwiches/Packed lunches, Home meals, Staff meals and Duty meals.
Navigate to People > Groups Select either Pupil or Staff from the drop down [1] Then select Custom groups [2] Finally select Create new group [3]
Please do not set up the new groups under the existing groups People > Meal > School Meal as this will prevent the Arbor attendance feature from working. The Groups need to be new groups created under the Custom Groups section.
Give the group a name [4], we recommend a title Pupil Meal or Staff Meals. Note: We advise to not tick the box Visible for parents [5]
Scroll down a little and select either Pupil or Staff [7], depending on who you would like to add to the group.
Next select a group 2 (usually the year or class for pupils)[8] and click Search [9]
A list of pupils/staff will now be displayed. Select/Deselect all pupils/staff you wish to add the group [10]. Select Add to group [11]
If required, change the group 2 drop down [12] and click Search to show another year/class and add all required pupils/staff as before.
Repeat as necessary until all required people are added to the group.
You may wish to create a Custom Group for all pupils who have a school meal Monday - Friday and another Custom group for all those who have a School Meal Monday and Tuesday for example.
If a pupil regularly changes their meal requirements we would not advising creating a pattern for them.
Next you will need to create the Group Meal Pattern
Go to People > Groups and select the Custom Group you have just created
Select the option to Create group meal pattern
You now need to complete the meal pattern requirements.
Complete the following options:
Choose time [1] Typically this will be Lunch time
Choose type [2] Select the relevant meal type, typically this will be Pupil Meal or Staff Meal
Choose day(s) [3] We recommend you select all days, Monday to Friday.
Start date [4] Input a start date you'd like the pattern to apply.
Note: The pattern will take an overnight run to apply so this must be a date in the future.
Open ended Defined end date [5] We advise selecting the option for Open ended End date Input an end date, unless you have selected Open ended previously, this will grey out.
Consider closing days [6] This will allow the pattern to look up your calendar and closing dates from the calendar section of ParentPay resulting in the pattern not being applied when your school is closed.
Click Save [7] to complete the pattern set up.
Repeat the steps above for any other Custom groups you have created.