Payments Manager App
Redundant Features and Functions removed
We have removed configuration features and functions from the Payments module that have not been used.
Analysis: New Pre-Order Summary by Day Report
A new Pre-Order Report which summarises UIFSM, FSM, and Paid pre-orders across multiple days by Key Stage has been added.
Allergy Requests: Pending icon
A Pending icon has been added to the allergy Requests column on the Students page to create a distinction between approved and rejected allergy requests, and requests that require action.
Staff App
Courses: Max allowed field limit increased
The attendee’s max allowed field has been increased to allow a greater number of attendees, up to 1000, if required.
Cases App
Notes: Delete icon added to Case Detail Notes
Notes and actions can be deleted from the Cases module so that any irrelevant or legacy notes or images are not linked with a case.
Notes: File upload limit
The file size limit has been set to 5 MB for files being uploaded to Case Notes.
Menus App
Items: Description column added to the table
The Menu Items table has had a Description column added next to the Menu Items Name column so that when the table is exported all the supporting data is included in the export.
Recipes: Archived section added to filter tree
Archived menu items are now separated from live items and grouped under a new folder titled Archived.
Caterers: Weekly pre-order cut-off option
Caterers can set a pre-order cut-off date and time to prevent school admins from marking pre-orders for the current week, this function works in parallel with the lead days' config and is disabled by default.
Tablet: Auto-logout config applied to all modules
The Auto logout has also been updated so it now applies to all Tablet modules. If a user is inactive for a set amount of time, they will be automatically logged out of the tablet.