Student Allergy and Diet Type requests and records

When the Allergy or Diet Types features are enabled and set up, students will be prevented from selecting meals that do not meet their allergy or dietary restrictions.

Classic User Interface Guidance

Classic User Interface Guidance


Students must have their allergies recorded in the allergies and diet notes.


If the Enable Allergy Requests function has enabled parents to send allergy or dietary restrictions to the school, the School admin will not be able to edit the Allergies and Diet Notes tabs. Parent names are automatically captured when an allergy/diet type request is submitted through the Booking Application (PP or Schoolcomms). Parent names are then visible in the Cypad Desktop application (Payments Tab) if clarification is required from the parent.

Allergy and Diet Type requests

When a parent has submitted an allergy request, it will show as In Progress in the Req column to clearly identify allergy requests that have been made and are yet to be approved. 

  1. Go to Payments Students > open the Classes [1] collapsible menu > select the Class [2] the student is in > click the In Progress [3] icon to open the allergy request. 
  2. In the Allergy request window, you will see the Current Allergy and Diet Type status [4] and the Requested Allergy and Diet Type status [5]
  3. Before approving the parent's request check the Parent Notes [6] and any Attachments [7] that will support the Allergy request.
  4. To approve the request click the Approve [8] button, alternatively, you can Reject [9] the request if required. 

Allergy and Diet Type records

Use the following steps to update a Student's allergy details.  

  1. Go to Payments Students > open the Classes [1] collapsible menu > select the Class [2] the student is in > select the Student [3] from the list to open the Edit Student window.
  2. If the student has food allergies go to the Allergies tab [1], select the appropriate Allergen Checkboxes [2] and click Save [5].
  3. If the allergen is not on the allergies list use the Other check box, go to the Diet notes tab [3], and enter the food the student is allergic to in the Text box [4] (i.e. Bananas) and click Save [5].


Go to the Student Allergies - Reports and Analysis document for advice on using the reporting and analysis features.

Do not require supporting evidence when removing allergies (SU Only)

Config has been added to Cypad which allows users to turn off requiring supporting evidence when removing allergies from a student's record.

Navigate to Payments > Admin.

Select Configure [1] from the navigation tree.


Enable 'Parent Allergy removal requests do not require supporting evidence' [2].



Students must have their allergies recorded in the allergies and diet notes, for more guidance on how to add this information please refer to the following article.

If the 'Enable Allergy Requests' feature is turned on, allowing parents to submit allergy or dietary restrictions to the school, the school admin will be unable to edit the 'Allergies' and 'Diet Notes' tabs. When a parent submits an allergy or diet type request through the Booking Application (ParentPay or Schoolcomms), their name is automatically recorded. These parent names will be visible in the Cypad Desktop application (Meals Tab), enabling school staff to reach out for clarification if needed.

Approving and Rejecting Allergy and Diet Type requests

  1. Navigate to Meals > Meals.
  2. If required, select the Relevant Site [1] from within the navigation tree.
  3. Expand the Class Menu [2] and click on the Relevant Class [3].
    3. Class List.png
  4. Within the class list, find the Required Student [4] with an allergy request.
    4. Student List.png
  5. Alternatively, Students with a Allergy Request Record can be located using filters, click the Filter Icon [5].
    6. Filter Icon.png
  6. Within the Dietary Requirements Dropdown [6] click 'New allergy requests'.
  7. Once the filter has been applied, click Apply [7].
    5. Filters.png
  8. Once the student has been located, scroll to the far right of the meals page and click the In Progress [8] icon to open the allergy request
    . 7. Allergy Request.png
  9. Upon clicking the In Progress Icon, a data record will appear containing the details on the allergy request, to proceed click on the Student Name [9].
    8. Student Record.png
  10. Within the Allergy request window, you will see the Current and Requested Allergy Status [10]
  11. Current and Requested Diet Type Status [11] information is also shown.
  12. When managing a student's allergy or diet type, please note the following about the 'Current Status' and 'Requested Status' checkboxes:
    • Tick in 'Current Status': The allergy or diet type has already been assigned to the student.
    • Tick in 'Current Status' but not in 'Requested Status': The allergy or diet type will be removed from the student.
    • No tick in 'Current Status' but tick in 'Requested Status': The allergy or diet type will be assigned to the student upon approval.
  13. Before approving the parent's request check the Parent Notes [12] for additional information.
    9. Parent Note.png
  14. View any Attachments [13] that has been attached by the parent to support the Allergy request.
  15. A breakdown of the Parent Information [14] who submitted the allergy request can be found.
  16. If required, add a Note [15].
  17. To approve the request click the Approve [16] button. After that, please, check that student's records include all required dietary information, you can read more about it here. Alternatively, you can Reject [17] the request if required. 
    10. Approve Reject.png


Go to the Student Allergies - Reports and Analysis document for advice on using the reporting and analysis features.

Removing Allergies Evidence (Admin Users Only)

Admin Cypad Users can enable a functionality which allows users to not require supporting evidence when removing allergies from a student's record.

  1. Navigate to Payments > Admin.
  2. Click Configure (SU) [1] from the navigation tree.
  3. Enable 'Parent Allergy removal requests do not require supporting evidence' [2].
    1. Configure.png
  4. Click Save [3].
    2. Save.png
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