Parental Responsibility is needed for parents to be able to see balances and make bookings on School Gateway.
Parental Responsibility will need to be applied in your MIS:
- SIMS Section 5 of the pupil record
- Arbor “Emergency contact” drop-down
- ScholarPack “Contact Order” to the parent’s record
- Bromcom Pupil record > Contacts > Edit > Tick Parental Responsibility
- RM Integris Legal Guardian = Parental Responsibility
Once applied an import will need to be run in Schoolcomms for this to update.
- For SIMS schools to run an import in Schoolcomms, you will need to be logged in to the desktop version of Schoolcomms: Click on Management > Click on Import management > Click on Run import (you may have to input your SIMS credentials).
- For Arbor / ScholarPack / Bromcom and RM Integris schools to run the import in Schoolcomms, you will need to log in to the web version of Schoolcomms: Dashboard > Import Management > Click on Run import.
Wonde imports data from Arbor / ScholarPack / Bromcom and RM Integris on an hourly basis so users will need to wait an hour before running an import to ensure the latest data is imported