Why can’t parents see the Dinners tab or balance on School Gateway?

Parental Responsibility is needed for parents to be able to see balances and make bookings on School Gateway.

Parental Responsibility will need to be applied in your MIS:

    • SIMS Section 5 of the pupil record
    • Arbor “Emergency contact” drop-down
    • ScholarPack “Contact Order” to the parent’s record
    • Bromcom Pupil record > Contacts > Edit > Tick Parental Responsibility
    • RM Integris Legal Guardian = Parental Responsibility

Once applied an import will need to be run in Schoolcomms for this to update.

    • For SIMS schools to run an import in Schoolcomms, you will need to be logged in to the desktop version of Schoolcomms: Click on Management > Click on Import management > Click on Run import (you may have to input your SIMS credentials).
    • For Arbor / ScholarPack / Bromcom and RM Integris schools to run the import in Schoolcomms, you will need to log in to the web version of Schoolcomms: Dashboard > Import Management > Click on Run import.


Wonde imports data from Arbor / ScholarPack / Bromcom and RM Integris on an hourly basis so users will need to wait an hour before running an import to ensure the latest data is imported

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