If a club payment request has been created with a non-club payment type any payments made by parents on this request will not update on the club. You will need to end the current request, create a new request selecting the correct club payment type and then transfer the payments from the old request to the new.
Generate a list of those who have already paid
- Go into Payments, Payment Requests and select the request from your Active Requests. Click on View Status Report on the right-hand side under the heading Payment Status.
- Select Transactions under Payment History and you will see all of the transactions for this payment request.
- To save this report click on Export under the heading Report Actions on the top right of this screen. You can then use this report when applying your manual transactions.
Change the visible 'to date' to yesterdays date
This is so the request is no longer visible to parents.
Create new payment request
- Go into Payments, Payment Requests and clone the payment request or select Create Payment Request. Fill in the details of the request selecting the correct club payment type and save.
Apply manual transactions for those that have already paid
- Go into Payments, Manual Transactions and using your report of people who paid, search for the member.
- Select the payer name at the top of the screen.
- Find the old request and select the action type ‘Manual adjustment’. In the amount column type the amount they paid as a minus amount. Enter a comment if you wish.
- Then go to the new request you have set up, select the action type ‘Manual adjustment’. In the amount column enter the amount paid. Enter a comment if you wish.
- Click Apply Actions at the top right-hand corner under the heading Transaction Controls.
- You need to repeat this for each student that has paid on the old request.