Key/Cut Off Times


Please find below some useful information on key times:

Parent pre-orders:

  • Cut-off time is determined by the Parent pre-order cut off time in Cypad > Settings > Site Info > Whiteboard.


  • Recording selections for current day – 12pm.
  • You can still access the whiteboard after 12pm to record PM attendance (if enabled).

Pre-orders tab for current day (e.g., adding/removing pre-orders manually):

  • Only available until 12pm (greyed out afterwards).

Transactions tab for current day (e.g., adding meals retrospectively that weren’t pre-ordered):

  • If you have a tablet – only accessible the following day (so any meals for the current day that weren’t pre-ordered need to be added to the tablet and a sync run, otherwise they can only be added the following day).
  • If you don’t have a tablet – accessible all day but you should still record any pre-orders via the pre-orders tab to ensure your meal selection reports populate correctly.

When do meals get confirmed/charged?

  • If you have a tablet– when the meals are confirmed on the tablet and a sync is run on the tablet (manual process).
  • If you don’t have a tablet– automated process at 3pm each day (you can manually apply pre-orders earlier in the day via Transactions tab if needed).

Data sync between Schoolcomms and Cypad:

  • School members (if you use the Schoolcomms API) – 6am, 11am, 3pm, and 6pm each day.
  • Payments/balances – every 20-30 minutes.
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