[VIDEO] How to manually upload staff, visitors and/or others

ParentPay requires pupil data to be uploaded from your MIS regularly to synchronise the systems. Where appropriate, you may also wish to upload staff, visitors, pre-admissions, and others to enable them to make payments for your items and services.

This article will explain how to complete a staff, visitor, or other manual upload. The video focuses on a staff upload but the method is the same for each of the types, using a different upload template.


Some MIS products have an integration with ParentPay that enable staff and pre-admission pupils to be uploaded directly.  Please refer to the appropriate setup for your MIS provider to see if yours offers this service.

If you do not have the above integration available, or if you wish to upload any visitors or guests, the manual process detailed below is required.

Expand each section below to learn more.

Step 1: Installing and Logging in to MIS Sync

If you have completed a manual pupil upload this section will be very familiar to you. If not, don't panic!
The video below will guide you through the process of downloading, installing and logging in to MIS Sync, the software needed to connect to ParentPay.

Step 2: Managing data and Uploading
The video below will guide you through managing your data and finally uploading into ParentPay.


Please do not reuse any previous Unique Identifiers as this may return a failed upload or link accounts!


If you have a cashless catering till system the till will identify ‘Visitors’ as adults and ‘Others’ as pupils.


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