Attendance (SIMS Register)
Teachers can now use the Whiteboard to take the morning and afternoon register. After logging into the Whiteboard open the Menu and press/click Attendance [1].
You can now click AM or PM column cell for the first student in the register and record the attendance of each student using the standard SIMS codes on the Register.
When the register is complete click any part of the screen outside of the attendance register list to close the register.
When the AM / PM register is complete, the school admin will receive a record and update it, where required, before sending it to SIMS.
Generate PDF Report
A new Meal selection summary report feature has been added to the whiteboard so that when meals are served in the classroom the teacher can confirm the students are receiving the correct meals. Before the students are served breakfast, lunch or for a break, open the whiteboard, select your class and at the bottom of the screen click the Selection Summary icon [1].
A Meals selected report PDF will be generated and automatically opened for the selected class in a Internet Browser tab.
The Whiteboard must be connected to the Manager App so any future changes in the report is reflected on both the Desktop and Whiteboard.