Tablet: Meal Register - Menu Item Description Field update
Meal Register users can now view the description of Menu Items they are selecting to help users make an informed choice when selecting meals.
When a user enables the Show Description option, it will remain visible until the user chooses to Hide Description.
System Sites: Kitchen tab update
Additional fields have been added to the System > Sites > Kitchen tab so Admin users can run reports that are currently only available in Saffron.
Reporting: New KPIs added to the Report Builder
New KPIs have been added to the Report Builder to generate the Reports using the new fields that have been added to the Sites Kitchen Tab.
Kitchen Manager: Stock Item details update
A new field has been added to the Stock Item details to record an alternative name for each stock item so that caterers can easily find stock items using the alternative display names.
Menus Admin: New config for stock items marked as Halal
A New option has been added to the Admin Configure so that stock items can be marked as considered “suitable for pescatarian” items Halal. This is so that meals which contain fish are suitable for Halal students.
This is only available in the new UI.
Stock Item details: cooking method and weight change % fields added
A weight-change % field and cooking method drop-down have been added to the Stock Item Nutrition tab to calculate the Nutritional values of a menu item taking the post-cooked weight more accurately into account.
Data Collection: Change how manager-generated notes are displayed in the Manager App
So that notes are displayed more clearly on the Manager App a Red Flag triangle icon has been added to the top right corner of each data cell that contains notes.
Allergy/Diet type Requests: In Progress status icon
To easily distinguish between pending and in-progress parent allergen and diet type requests a new request icon has been created for the In Progress status.