Apply a Theme day to a special menu


If you have added a theme day onto your calendar within Cypad, this will override the existing menu choices and offer the theme day menu items for that day, but not for any children assigned to special menu templates.

If your school uses special menu templates, please find some instructions below on how to create the equivalent of a ‘theme day’ for these children, for example a Christmas Dinner. 

Please Note: you will need to firstly create separate Theme Days for the different special menus.

For Example, if you have a Gluten Free special menu and you want to create a Christmas meal theme day you will need to create a separate Christmas Meal Gluten Free Theme Day to apply to this specific special menu.

  • Click Cypad in the top left-hand corner and select Menus from the drop-down list.
  • Enable the new user interface via the toggle in the top right-hand corner
  • Click into Calendar at the top of your screen
  • Click onto the drop down for the schools name in the top left and select the ‘Student Templates’ option.
  • Select the student template required

  • The current month will open, and you can click through to view future months as required.
  • To the left of the calendar, you should see any Theme Days you have created. You can now drag and drop the Theme Days on to the right day in the calendar.
  • The ‘Add Class Override’ window will then appear. This allows you to select the class groups you would like to make this theme day available to. All of the class groups will be automatically selected when the window opens. However you can untick classes individually or you can deselect all of the class groups by unticking the main tick box in top left and then reselect only the class groups required.

  • Once you are happy with the class groups selected click OK at the bottom of the screen. The Theme Day you have added will now appear in the calendar.
  • Once you are happy with this click Save in the top right-hand side of the screen.

The Theme day will override the ‘normal' special menu rotation for the date this has been applied to in the calendar.

School Gateway and the whiteboard will only display the Theme day items for any children that it has been assigned the special menu template.

Please be aware that making any changes to the menu offered on a particular week will remove any pre-orders, so parents will need to re-book using the new menu.

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