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ParentPay Group
Messaging - How do I?
Messaging - How do I?
How do I for messaging
Why isn't a member receiving app messages when they show as logged into the app?
How do we change the schools main reply email?
How does a staff member receive email replies back to their staff email?
Text Credits
Where can I find a report for Text Credit Purchase History?
How to send an app message to a parent?
How much do I get charged for PIN requests?
Which staff group should be used for messaging?
Why are Support Staff appearing in Teacher (Schoolcomms created) groups? (SIMS)
Can I send a message to both parents?
How can I message only one parent?
How do I disable app/text replies?
How do I disable email replies?
How do I restore a template that has been deleted?
How can I see if an email/text has gone to all the recipients?
Why do I get a prompt about "2 Parents of 0 School Members"?
How do I schedule a message via the desktop?
How do I reduce the size of an attachment?
Is there a Parental Salutation wildcard/merge field in Schoolcomms?
How can I add a link into an email?
How do I message leavers?
Create a link to a Google Form
How do I view the recipients on an archived message?
How do I send messages to parents in other languages?
Why am I getting spell check issues in the Schoolcomms desktop application?
Is it possible to mail merge or send individual codes in bulk via Schoolcomms?
Why is the parents email showing in Chinese?
Does Schoolcomms encrypt emails before they are sent?
How do I recover deleted messages from my inbox or sent items?
Change of inbound number FAQs